On the early morning of Sept 20, 1777, one of the most brutal acts of the American Revolution took place. 5,000 British Red Coats led by Gen Charles Grey plan a sneak attack on Gen "Mad Anthony" Wayne and his small unit of American Colonials.
So as not to have their attack ruined by noise, Gen Grey orders his men to use only swords or bayonets and kill the colonials as they sleep in their tents that were placed along a tree line. By the time the attack was finished, nearly 200 Americans were dead. This act of cowardice and cruelty enraged people around the world. It keep America fired up through the rest of the war and actually led to the British defeat.
As a matter of fact, "Mad Anthony" earned his name by never showing fear and attacking with a savagery that surprised the British during his attack on their fort at Stony Point on the Hudson River.
A short distance from the massacre site is an inn. It was here that the British planned for the attack. The inn is now named the Gen Warren Inn. Reports have come in since the attack of seeing soldiers in the inn. There are also reports of the sound of soldiers running through the inn. Are these ghosts the Red Coats who planned the attack, or, as many people believe, the ghosts of those unfortunate Americans who went to sleep and never woke again?
The Paoli site itself is a sad place, and of course rumored to be haunted. If you are in the Philly area, it is worth a trip.
So as not to have their attack ruined by noise, Gen Grey orders his men to use only swords or bayonets and kill the colonials as they sleep in their tents that were placed along a tree line. By the time the attack was finished, nearly 200 Americans were dead. This act of cowardice and cruelty enraged people around the world. It keep America fired up through the rest of the war and actually led to the British defeat.
As a matter of fact, "Mad Anthony" earned his name by never showing fear and attacking with a savagery that surprised the British during his attack on their fort at Stony Point on the Hudson River.
A short distance from the massacre site is an inn. It was here that the British planned for the attack. The inn is now named the Gen Warren Inn. Reports have come in since the attack of seeing soldiers in the inn. There are also reports of the sound of soldiers running through the inn. Are these ghosts the Red Coats who planned the attack, or, as many people believe, the ghosts of those unfortunate Americans who went to sleep and never woke again?
The Paoli site itself is a sad place, and of course rumored to be haunted. If you are in the Philly area, it is worth a trip.