This story comes from Iceland. Its a land rich in folklore, tradition, ghosts, and tales of magical creatures. This is the land of the "Sendings". People who practice the Dark Arts, are said to be able to make their own ghosts from human bones. Sendings are only created to commit murder. They are seen as dark shadowy figures, and they usually have a white spot on them. This is where their bones are located and this area is their only weakness. If you can find a way to hurt them or have them blessed by a Holy man, they will flee or collapse back into bones.
Southern Ghosts Daily DoseSGDD will collect daily tidbits of the paranormal and share them with you. Some will be historical, some will be informative. We hope all will be enjoyable. Got an idea for a Daily Dose or wanna share your own daily dose, share it here.
July 2013
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