I was reading about the history of Atlanta while I was sick and I was reminded of a story I heard years ago. This story takes place at Six Flags Over Georgia and involves the vintage carousel there. The Riverview Carousel is over 100 years old and is considered one of the finest carousels in the world. Originally it was located in Chicago at the Riverview Park. In 1908, Riverview Park was one of the country's most famous theme parks. According to legend, it was shortly after this time, that a young boy was killed in an accident at the park. His ghost was said to be seen playing near the carousel in the years after his death. In time, Riverview Park closed and the carousel was one of the only attractions that was saved. It was sent to Six Flags Over Georgia in 1971 and was quickly restored to its former glory. It seems this was enough to bring the little boy back too.
During the early morning hours and late at night, park workers claim to see a little boy riding a black horse on the carousel. Psychics have claimed to feel his presence and guests have even reported to see him during regular park hours too.
Now I don't know if this story is true. The only time I visited the park, I never got a chance to visit the ride, but I heard this story from a security guard with the park about 15 years ago. Since that time, I have heard the story from a couple of other people. So, make your own decision, but if you go to Six Flags Over Georgia, include a visit to the carousel and maybe you can catch a quick glimpse of the other side.