Hitchhiking Ghosts are one of the most famous types of ghost stories. The story goes that you are driving down a lonely road and you see someone at the side of the road. Something compels you to pull over and offer them a ride. They get into the car, and something seems off, but you let it pass. They give you an address and usually they disappear from your car as you arrive at the location. Usually leaving their seat belt buckled. Sometimes they get out as normal, but disappear as they walk to the location. Either way, you are left with tons of questions.
Do these types of ghosts exist? I believe so. These stories actually predate cars. I also know that these types of stories are often repeated and the locations changed to be closer to our home, and that makes them fall into the folklore category. This however doesn't make stories like the dancing girl in Kentucky or Resurrection Mary of Chicago any less compelling.
I think there are so many hitchhiking ghosts because roads represent transition and ghosts can be a tad heavy handed with the analogies. This is there way of representing unfinished business and their own transitions both literally and figuratively. So, we see them and tell their story, but we also unknowingly share the fact that death i